SIMZ THEME by Megafuture @ Soundcloud

GODHEAD: Nooo! My ball...

GODHEAD: Well this is unfortunate. In their tussle it appears lass one and two have already forgotten about me. As is the fate of Godhead, I suppose. Forgotten. Lost. Alone. Destitute. Despondent. All qualities experienced in a hole, no less. Quite fitting a metaphor, wouldn't you say? Heh. CoWi...Could you go? I think I'd rather just be by myself right now. Thank you.

>begin to wiggle

>vibrate your atoms apart

>use your spin move to impress the strange creatures with your centrifugal skills

>Spin right round baby right round

>dance erratically

>make the ball start rumbling

COWI: Please Lord Godhead! PL. E AS.E You can't lose faith in yourself now, not at the critical moment! Always remember; Sometimes being seen entails making yourself seen. And to do that, you simply must believe in the importance of what it is you have to offer! ...Um...
Try moving the ball in front of the girls or something.

COWI: Limited mobility detected.