WALNUT: Phew it's'a good thing we got away Sky People In My Family Rock! If Lisa Sharp had caught us then she might'a gave us a pat on the head and then I might'a dropped the new shoe foot I just built just now and accidentally make it fall and break and then we'd have'ta go and poor no-foot would'a been left with no foot and we'd be gone and nobody would help 'em forever! And that'd be sad. GODHEAD: ...Ummm...Oh? So...Hi. Hi...
The planet you, um, we come from, heuh, it's, um, purty advanced...Am I right?
COWI: (((purty???))) GODHEAD: (((agh! it's the southern inflection.))) WALNUT: I sure do miss all the pools'a breath an' tubs'a sleepin-dreams that float up all the way from people's heads when they sleepin' up into our sky land place we use to keep in jars an' take out durin' the festivinities season that was my favorite time'a'all I can't wait to get home the first thing I'ma do is stick my tentacle in a biiiiiiiig hole that make you come out the other end spicy! GODHEAD: Ha...ha...Yeah!!! We have those. Here at home. Um...They're super fun. I know I've been enjoying them...Um...
Oh goodness. I'm a terrible liar. Little girl, I have to tell you the truth.
WALNUT: An' somethin' else we got back home that I miss more than missin' things is the thing we got that make you all loopy and get ten eyes for seein' the bees that come fly up way high in twos I think, if I'm rememberin' right. They ride up on the backs'a allowed birds to come say hi! Mah favorite was Gl'gl'gl'gl'gl'gl. GODHEAD: Agh, your planet sounds fantastic. I wish I knew anything about it but I WALNUT: Only thing I think this place got better than up in my sky place Sky Rock is the mud they sometimes got. Man do it taste good. I went an' made friends with the frogs so I could eat all I want. I'ma miss dat. GODHEAD: Hello! Space to little alien? Okay sorry, let me just. Hi, I'm a god if that means anything to you, and I'd really like to WALNUT: Most important thing in the world's makin' sure you go home, get home, an' stay with your family people. The people's here always teachin' an' talkin' that especially Lisa Sharp an' I sure do agrees! I can't wait no longer to go home but I can wait a little longer enough to get no-foot his foot back, but then I really can't wait. I can't can't can't can't wait!!! GODHEAD: Stop interrupting me! WALNUT: Hey Mr Rock Peoples you got some smudge all over yous do you need me to get that for ya before we go home? I think we should be lookin' 'specially in the mirror today 'cause today's the big day. GODHEAD: Wh--I? Rude! You know before this I really wanted to help you because you seem intelligent and I think you are intelligent given our height above the ground but you know the only thing more important than intelligence it's manners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you don't seem to have any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been so upsetting that I request you just throw me back into space and leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WALNUT: Know what I like pie. I like pie. GODHEAD: COWI! COWI: Apologies Lord Godhead. I didn't want to interrupt you, but your mic is off.
