Walnut recounts joyfully.

WALNUT: He taughts me all sorts of ways to fit in da human place dat is here while I stays in her self without gettin' caught like hows to talk to da people usin' nuthin' but a cup an' the special yum mud dat keep both Walnut an' the alien me inside growin' strong. He say he found me after he left baby Walnut in her special babysittin' walnut tree and all a sudden she was speakin' my very own talk, but dat okay 'cause he taught me what words humans like da most too like "a". LISA SHARP: Psh. We knew you and him was best damn friends that ain't nothin' new. WALNUT: See how trees gots long sticks stickin' off of 'em dat sticks up like da sticky part on stickbugs dats how I got in Walnut see? I told you dat? Yup yup Walnut's daddy was a real nice to take me under his armpit like dat when I didn't barely come from nowhere and stoled his daughter's arms n' legs but he knew I give it back so together we builted rollin' shoes and he showed me da best mosses for stickin' parts together and dere was da big balloon and the hat for listenin' to out-dere-space an' the slugrug an' the see-new-colors eyesglasses an' da fastpants an' da bird bubble bath an' da no-show scribbler an' da un-brella an' da talkin' cat an' da doorbell warmieser and dat spare sky we mades I think we still got dat. LISA SHARP: WHATEVER!
